8 questions to find out if a guy wants to marry you for life

  • Is there something you feel is hard to talk about and how can I help you with that?

The most important questions to ask before marriage are those that will allow you to see those things that are kept quiet. Your partner may feel vulnerable or be afraid of looking insecure if you bring up the subject.

A girl is smart when she asks questions to get to know a guy. Especially if she does it in a loving way that allows her to get around her fears. This way you get to take your relationship to a deeper level.

There are always touchy subjects, family, your phone, friendships, children, work, etc. That is why it is important to ask questions to find out if a guy wants to get married.

  • Do you like the way I caress you, do you want me to do it more often?

The caresses in a couple start from the first kiss. Many times before, because the look also caresses. That’s why the questions to get to know a guy you like are useful to give more of what he likes. A small caress can make the difference.

In a couple, caresses are as important as kisses. But each person is more sensitive in some parts. So, if you are thinking about a husband, these questions to know if a guy wants to get married will help you decide.

  • Is there anything you didn’t like about me, have I offended you recently?

The questions to find out if a guy wants to get married serve to clarify what is really going on. You may think you do everything right, but what does he think and feel about the way you are?

Before you have questions to ask a guy, learn to listen without interrupting. When he gives you his answers, don’t make excuses, but rather apologize and aim to improve.

Knowing how your partner feels will lead you to a deeper relationship. Don’t change the way you are just to please him/her, but to make yourself a better person.

  • What is your favorite thing about going home at the end of the day?

A man when he comes home is usually hungry. But don’t always assume that this is the case? You may be coming home from work at the same time. In modern marriages, household roles are shared.

Depending on the preference of both of you, make sure the kitchen stuff is ready when you arrive. But the most important thing is not finding something to eat in the house, but the enthusiasm of the person you love.

Greet each other, kiss, caress and talk. How was your day? And dedicate yourself to listen, without judging, without saying “why didn’t you do this”, just give quality attention. In this way let him know that you like to be with him.

  • When you are stressed, can I help you in any way?

Some questions to find out if a guy wants to get married will show you how much he wants you to help him. That way you can know how much he wants to be a part of your life. The more he allows you to be a part of his problems, the more space you will take up in his life.

You may not be able to do anything when he feels stressed, but just by initiating that conversation, everything can get better. Allowing him a new outlet for his stress can relieve him. This way you show him that you care.

  • Have you had any difficult problems this week that you want to tell me about?

A man who wants to share his life with you will be confident to share his problems. If he prefers to separate his private life from the relationship, he may not be thinking about a long-term relationship.

For a man who wants to make a life with you, moral support is important. If you want to make your life with him it is important to listen to him. Be careful with resentment, a problem is a very strong emotion.

If from the beginning you do not show yourself reliable with the man you love, problems may arise in the future. Look for interesting questions for a man, which will allow you to clarify your relationship.

  • Do you feel that I love you, is there anything I can do to make you feel more loved?

Find the tranquility to ask some questions to find out if a guy wants to get married. It is important that you reflect alone and together with him. Passion is very important for a couple at the beginning. But everyone has their own way of feeling love.

It may be that you prefer to be quiet, with a little caress, do things together and talk. But he may prefer that you always stay dressed up, caress him more and be romantic. These questions to know if a guy wants to get married, will help you to clarify what is love.

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