Helicopter parents

Overprotective and indiscreet, helicopter parents are a phenomenon of today’s society which, although it seems odd, is already among us, in our family and among our friends. Helicopter parents tend to constantly supervise their children’s lives, warning them of all the dangers, preventing them from talking about certain mistakes, fixing all their mistakes, and even boycotting their ability to make decisions about their friendships or boyfriends when they are teenagers.

To what extent are we helicopter parents?

Where is the balance between helping your child and protecting or over-protecting him or her? Psychologists have defined three categories of helicopter parents:

  1. The first is the so-called “helicopter parent”. These parents take a dive and fight for their children. They are usually the helicopter parents who help their children the least, according to school employees and principals.
  2. The second category is the so-called “traffic helicopter” parents. This group includes parents who guide their children, show them the path they feel is most appropriate and help them make the decisions they feel are most appropriate throughout their lives. The difference between the combat helicopter and the trafficking helicopter is that the latter ultimately allows the child to follow his or her own path.
  3. The third type of overprotective parent is the “rescue helicopter. The function of this type of parent is to remove their children from crisis situations and put them in a safe place or give them the means to get back on their feet or get up again.

Helicopter parents are deeply dedicated to their children and their sense of duty as a parent goes far beyond providing them with a good environment and education. Children of helicopter parents have confidence in their parents’ judgment and always consult with them when making a decision. This is something that is very shocking to people who have experienced a child-parent rebellion, especially during adolescence.

However, it is only when parents interfere with their children’s ability to fend for themselves that helicopter parenting becomes a problem, according to some experts. This physical and moral overprotection involves being in constant contact with them, which is greatly facilitated by the use of cell phones. Moreover, this attitude is directly linked to a high level of educational requirements. Helicopter parents expect the best from their children and put pressure on them to make as much effort as possible. This also applies to studies, where they demand the best results, which causes stress, lack of social adaptation and anxiety in the children.

The fact is that the pressure of helicopter parenting on children is not limited to childhood alone: we have continued to dig deeper into the issue and have noticed that helicopter parenting is also a problem when looking for the first job. Some parents accompany their children to job interviews, follow up with them, and even call potential employers to find out what they think of their children and how the interview went. This attitude prevents children from making their own decisions, solving their own problems, taking responsibility, and being independent.

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