10 incredible advantages of being single and how to enjoy it.

  • You’ll get more exercise.

Working out and going to the gym is one of our biggest resolutions. However, as you already know, few manage to adopt this habit.

Worse yet, one study found that single people exercise much more often than those who are married or live with a partner.

This study found that men exercise more than women, regardless of their relationship status.

Additionally, a survey conducted by researchers in the United Kingdom found that 62% of the participants gained about 7 kilos shortly after starting a relationship.

This weight gain appears to be a direct consequence of the typical activities of couples. When asked to choose their main activity, 30% of respondents chose to watch TV and 20% chose to go out to eat.

The responsibilities of a relationship limit the time you could invest in exercising both physically and mentally. This brings us to the second advantage of being single.

  • You’ll have more time for yourself.

Most people underestimate the amount of time it takes to maintain a good relationship.

For some couples, time is limited to such an extent that sitting quietly enjoying your own company becomes a luxury.

Being single will allow you to think about you, you won’t waste time fighting, looking for gifts, thinking about plans and accommodating your time according to someone else’s agenda.

You will have time to plan and work on your professional life, in addition to revive your family and friendship relationships.

Take advantage of this time to learn new skills and to enjoy your hobbies. Don’t be in a hurry because you are alone, learn to enjoy your time and in time you will be happier.

  • You’ll get more exercise.

Working out and going to the gym is one of our biggest resolutions. However, as you already know, few manage to adopt this habit.

Worse yet, one study found that single people exercise much more often than those who are married or live with a partner.

This study found that men exercise more than women, regardless of their relationship status.

Additionally, a survey conducted by researchers in the United Kingdom found that 62% of the participants gained about 7 kilos shortly after starting a relationship.

This weight gain appears to be a direct consequence of the typical activities of couples. When asked to choose their main activity, 30% of respondents chose to watch TV and 20% chose to go out to eat.

The responsibilities of a relationship limit the time you could invest in exercising both physically and mentally. This brings us to the second advantage of being single.

  • You’ll have more time for yourself.

Most people underestimate the amount of time it takes to maintain a good relationship.

For some couples, time is limited to such an extent that sitting quietly enjoying your own company becomes a luxury.

Being single will allow you to think about you, you won’t waste time fighting, looking for gifts, thinking about plans and accommodating your time according to someone else’s agenda.

You will have time to plan and work on your professional life, in addition to revive your family and friendship relationships.

Take advantage of this time to learn new skills and to enjoy your hobbies. Don’t be in a hurry because you are alone, learn to enjoy your time and in time you will be happier.

  • You’ll get more exercise.

Working out and going to the gym is one of our biggest resolutions. However, as you already know, few manage to adopt this habit.

Worse yet, one study found that single people exercise much more often than those who are married or live with a partner.

This study found that men exercise more than women, regardless of their relationship status.

Additionally, a survey conducted by researchers in the United Kingdom found that 62% of the participants gained about 7 kilos shortly after starting a relationship.

This weight gain appears to be a direct consequence of the typical activities of couples. When asked to choose their main activity, 30% of respondents chose to watch TV and 20% chose to go out to eat.

The responsibilities of a relationship limit the time you could invest in exercising both physically and mentally. This brings us to the second advantage of being single.

  • You will spend more time with your friends.

Something very common, especially during adolescence and early adulthood, is that we move away from our friends to spend more time with our partner.

Even more so when marriage and children arrive. In this situation, we do not lose contact with our friends because of the need to spend more time with our partner, but simply because family obligations take them away from their social circle.

One study showed that single people are more likely to support and keep in touch with their family. On the other hand, they are more likely to help, encourage and socialize with friends and neighbors.

Additionally, Klinenberg clarifies that being single does not mean being lonely. On the contrary, your possibilities for socializing are endless and actually increase when you’re not with a partner.

  • You will have less financial stress.

Unless you are financially dependent on your partner or have children, being single will allow you to enjoy your money more freely.

Studies have shown that single people tend to have less credit card debt. Couples are forced to spend more money on entertainment to keep the relationship afloat. Sometimes the man feels obligated to spend and invite more, either because of social pressure or pressure from his partner.

In the case of women, a study conducted by the University of Virginia suggests that single women earn higher salaries compared to married women in the same positions.

  • You will spend more time with your friends.

Something very common, especially during adolescence and early adulthood, is that we move away from our friends to spend more time with our partner.

Even more so when marriage and children arrive. In this situation, we do not lose contact with our friends because of the need to spend more time with our partner, but simply because family obligations take them away from their social circle.

One study showed that single people are more likely to support and keep in touch with their family. On the other hand, they are more likely to help, encourage and socialize with friends and neighbors.

Additionally, Klinenberg clarifies that being single does not mean being lonely. On the contrary, your possibilities for socializing are endless and actually increase when you’re not with a partner.

  • You will have less financial stress.

Unless you are financially dependent on your partner or have children, being single will allow you to enjoy your money more freely.

Studies have shown that single people tend to have less credit card debt. Couples are forced to spend more money on entertainment to keep the relationship afloat. Sometimes the man feels obligated to spend and invite more, either because of social pressure or pressure from his partner.

In the case of women, a study conducted by the University of Virginia suggests that single women earn higher salaries compared to married women in the same positions.

  • No more drama.

When you’re in a relationship, you always want to keep it intact. You always want everything to work perfectly. All this for fear of losing your partner or hurting him/her.

To achieve this, you have to guard your emotions and even repress your desires. It’s not that relationships are bad, but not being in one will keep you from being in those emotional ups and downs that are inevitable.

Love is a chaotic force that is beautiful but also destructive.

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