10 Signs Of Bad Parenting – Bad Children Or Bad Parents?

When a child behaves badly, we usually accuse him directly: “what a naughty child”, “you are very bad”, “you behave terribly”? However, the phrases reproaching their behavior should be addressed to the parents and not so much to the children.

Educating and raising a child is probably one of the biggest challenges we can face. We will make mistakes many times, but the first step to learn and rectify is to realize that we are not doing it right. The second step will be to detect what we are doing wrong and try to correct ourselves, the parents.

Bad children or bad parents?

The attitude, behavior or way of proceeding of a child is directly related to what he learns from his parents. We are responsible for how our children act, as these 10 signs of bad parenting indicate.

Does your child lie? Maybe you are too strict. Experts say that the educational model based on an authoritarian upbringing tends to create children who learn to lie and cheat, they do it to get out unscathed in certain circumstances, to avoid punishment and the wrath of parents.

If your child has low self-esteem, if he thinks he is worse than others, that he cannot do it, it is because you do not reinforce him enough and you tend to tell him how badly he does things, how badly he behaves. That child receives little positive stimuli.

Children who always try to get their parents to solve everything, whether it is a disagreement with friends or school homework, end up being children who do not struggle to achieve their challenges and goals. They have become accustomed to their parents fighting for them, which is therefore another sign of bad parenting.

Some children get frustrated right away, don’t take no for an answer, always want to get their own way and throw a tantrum over anything silly. It is very possible that parents overprotect them and give them every whim to avoid reaching that tantrum.

If your child tends to be envious and jealous of their siblings or friends, it is very possible that you tend to make comparisons between other children and your child.

If you are a hypervigilant parent who runs to get the child down from the swing in case he falls, screams when you see him on the bike because you think he will end up on the ground or you get scared if you see him running too fast, your child will tend to be a fearful and withdrawn child, again it is the parent’s behavior that generates a bad attitude of the child, it is due to a bad upbringing.

If your child tends to yell at his friends, and even tries to hit them, it may be because he has learned that kind of aggressive behavior at home. You may tend to yell at them and even spank them if they have misbehaved.

When the child has problems controlling his impulses, finds it difficult to express his feelings and is very distrustful of others, it is perhaps because his parents are not giving him the affection and attachment that children need, especially in the infant stage, where the foundations of the child’s personality and character are being laid.

Children who are very disobedient and undisciplined are so because in their daily lives they lack clear rules and limits that they must and can follow.

If your child has a general misbehavior: constantly interrupts you when you talk, cries a lot, screams, has constant tantrums and even shows a setback in development, ask yourself if you are giving him the right attention or if he is properly cared for.