10 Tips On How To Raise Your Child To Be Strong

In the hectic everyday life it is not always easy to do justice to your child. 10 simple but effective tips.

Busy, not in a good mood right now, even that: in the stressful everyday life, we don’t always manage to accompany our children in the way that is best for them. But that would also be superhuman.

give love

Give your child as much attention, physical closeness and love as you can. You cannot spoil your child with love. There are many occasions for this, e.g. in the morning right after getting up, when you lovingly wake your child, hold and squeeze him, wish him a good morning and tell him that you love him.

give free space

Give your child the space he needs for healthy development. He explores and investigates the world in his own way, at his own pace and according to his own stage of development. For example, be there to help when your child is playing in the sandbox and needs something from you. But also be happy when he builds great sand artworks all by himself.


Accept your child unconditionally. Do not compare your child with other children, but accept him exactly as he is. Because that is exactly how he or she is good. Unconditional acceptance of your child is the breeding ground for his self-esteem and shows him that he is allowed to be the way he is.

give trust

Trust your child. First, you must trust your child so that he or she learns to trust you. This in turn strengthens the child’s basic trust in you.

laugh together

Laugh with your child. Laughter is healthy and contributes to natural and healthy development. A child’s laugh is the most beautiful and honest laugh of all and children never find it difficult to laugh, even when they are sick.

strengthen self-confidence

Encourage your child and boost his or her self-confidence through positive feedback. It’s good for even the youngest ones: “I’m glad you want to eat alone. That already worked out great. I’m proud of you!” Or here’s an example for a three-year-old child: “I think it’s great that you want to join the kindergarten hiking day today. I’m sure you can do it and you’ll love it!”

set limits

Boundaries are important for the child because they give him orientation and security. This way, the child knows the extent to which he or she can move freely.

give attention

Give your child your undivided attention. Easier said than done! The phone rings, dinner has to be cooked, your older child wants to be picked up by her friend, and then the mailman comes with a package for the neighbor and needs your signature. And then you should also give your undivided attention to your child? Yes, you can do that, probably once or twice a day. It doesn’t have to be for long, but your child will thank you if you consciously take a little time out and devote your time only to your child.

give comfort

Children cry quickly and sometimes even in our eyes because of little things. Nevertheless, for your child at that moment it is so bad that he has to cry. Give him the feeling that he is not left alone, that you are there and that he is allowed to cry.

set signals

Make your child feel that he is your greatest gift in life. Small gestures or caresses in between, e.g. a tousle in the hair, a hold, squeeze or an encouraging look, signal to your child that he or she is very special to you. Be proud of your child, show and tell him every day. “I’m proud of you for getting dressed by yourself today.”