Should I Break Up With Her? These Signs Speak Against It

In order to find out why the question “Should I break up with you?” is so often on your mind, you need to find out whether you and your boyfriend have a healthy relationship, i.e. one that is more good than bad for both of you. And there are some signs of that, after all! Here are the five clearest signs that you should give your relationship another chance. It is clear that they should be mutual.

You can let yourself go and be yourself in the presence of your partner.

No matter how exhausting your day was and how much you had to pull yourself together to be the “strong”, “friendly” or “creative” one – as soon as you have only your partner around you, any tension of social life falls off you. You don’t hold back your feelings, you don’t think about everything you say, and you are who you are. It’s just as if you were alone, except that it’s nicer with him, because you can exchange physical contact, talk to each other, laugh, shred, and so on. 2.

You look forward to spending time with your partner – even if you don’t have anything special planned.

Even if you just want to hang out on Sunday: You prefer to do that with your partner than without him. It makes you feel good just to have him around, and you give each other space, even if you’re on the couch together.

with your partner you discuss everything that is on your mind, even your deepest fears and dreams.

Nothing embarrasses you in front of your partner, not even that one dream that you yourself actually find quite naive and that even your best friend doesn’t know. You just know that your partner takes you seriously and respects you. This shows even in the way he sometimes teases you or takes you for a ride.

You wish your partner all the happiness in the world.

The salary increase, an achieved goal in the gym or simply outrageously nice colleagues – what you might envy other people and even wish friends only with a hint of jealousy, you begrudge your partner from the bottom of your heart. In your relationship the principle applies: shared happiness is double happiness.

Your partner encourages you and helps you to overcome self-doubt.

Your relationship is – as a rule – the safe field in your life from which you draw strength. When you’re down (and it’s not because of minor relationship problems or heartbreak), you can count on at least one thing: Your partner will neither stress you out nor drag you down. Ideally, he or she will even help you get back on your feet faster.

Do all these things sound like a dream world to you, a fantasy of love that doesn’t really exist? They shouldn’t! If none of this sounds familiar to you, please ask yourself why you are with your partner in the first place. But remember: you can save rent in shared flats and there are other remedies against loneliness or empty nest syndrome.

If you have now come to the conclusion that you’d rather end your relationship, perhaps our expert’s tips on the question “How do I break up properly?” will help you. And here we’ll gladly tell you which separation phases will then probably come your ex and you.

By the way, relationship anxiety can also make us feel uncomfortable in a relationship – even though we love our partner very much.