According To Study: Men Prefer These Women

Which type of woman has the best chances with men? A study now wants to have found out.

You ask yourself: Why am I not lucky in love? And what do other women have that I don’t? First of all, there’s nothing wrong with you. And even though we’ve heard this phrase countless times, we’re always comparing ourselves to others. Is it our hair? Our body? Or our face, which bothers men? None of the above. Rather, it’s often our intelligence that throws a wrench in the works.

Study proves: Men prefer unintelligent women
It’s hard to believe, but the more intelligent a woman is, the harder it is for her to find a partner – at least if you believe a study by the Warsaw School of Economics. For the study, about 500 singles were invited to speed dating. After four minutes each, the intelligence and attractiveness of the counterpart was evaluated and weighed up whether another meeting would be an option. The clear result: the smarter a woman appeared, the less interested the men were. In addition, it can be concluded from the studies that the appearance of the women is more important to the participating men than their intellect. The existing intelligence of the woman would have to be compensated therefore absolutely with an above average good appearance, so that it would come a round further.

Why don’t men want an intelligent woman at their side?
Experts agree: apparently, men feel offended in their ego when they realize that a woman meets them at eye level or even surpasses them. According to the study, men see themselves as protectors – and they can naturally live out this role better in the company of naive, helpless female partners.

Criticism of the study
What absolutely must be taken into account: Of the 500 singles, 250 participants are men. Of course, this number does not speak for the entire population. In addition, it also depends on the cultural and social circles in which we find ourselves. For example, we have already met men for whom eye-to-eye conversations, humor and intelligence are much more important than looks.