Why You’re Bad At Relationships, Depending On Your Sign

It often happens to you that you are in a relationship but find it very difficult to maintain it. Even if you’ve had countless relationships, you still find it hard to make them work and can’t fix a minor problem. Of course, you know that effective communication and trust are key, but as time goes by, you realize it’s difficult and you don’t have the resources to maintain it.

Don’t freak out, some people aren’t cut out for a relationship, but most of the time, it’s because of your sign. Here’s what each zodiac sign’s problems are and how you can take action to improve them.

You’re impulsive and have a habit of throwing words at your partner without thinking a situation through. Even if your intentions are good, sometimes what you say can be misinterpreted. You have no patience in a relationship and want to be given what is due to you. Relationships are not that easy, and if you can temper these things, then you will become a better partner.

We know you don’t put your trust in just anyone and it takes a long time to be ready to open up to your partner. But, put yourself in the other person’s shoes. All he or she sees and feels is a stone pillar that doesn’t offer much. Precisely because you’re stubborn, your partner will be tempted to give up trying. That’s why it’s good to look around and take his feelings into account.

You’re impulsive and have a habit of throwing words at your partner without thinking a situation through. Even if your intentions are good, sometimes what you say can be misinterpreted. You have no patience in a relationship and want to be given what is due to you. Relationships are not that easy, and if you can temper these things, then you will become a better partner.

We know you don’t put your trust in just anyone and it takes a long time to be ready to open up to your partner. But, put yourself in the other person’s shoes. All he or she sees and feels is a stone pillar that doesn’t offer much. Precisely because you’re stubborn, your partner will be tempted to give up trying. That’s why it’s good to look around and take his feelings into account.

Another sign that feels the need for constant attention is the Leo. The Leo woman wants a compliment every hour, and because your standards are too high, your partner will find the relationship tiring. Try to make gestures and offer compliments yourself, and things will take on a balance.

The Virgo woman has a habit of harshly criticizing those around her as well as herself. Because of this, she will always want the relationship to be perfect, and anything that doesn’t work according to this idea is wrong. Your partner will feel intimidated and unappreciated, and your relationship will slowly, slowly fizzle out. We recommend that you learn that mistakes are natural and no one is perfect.

On paper, Libras are great in a relationship and know how to handle any situation. However, out of a desire to have a good relationship, the Libra woman will suppress her feelings. Again, everything will be okay, until you push back, and all the things that bothered you, even a year ago, will be mentioned. It’s probably better to say what bothers you, when it bothers you.

The only problem the Sagittarius woman has is insecurity at the turning points of the relationship. You’re an extremely independent person and find it hard to get used to the idea of a relationship. So, when the situation becomes more complicated, you close yourself off and withdraw. Sometimes it’s good to try to work on the relationship because the bond becomes closer.

Unlike the emotional problems that other Zodiac signs have, with you money is a source of unpleasant situations. The Capricorn woman likes to have money, but tends to be quite stingy. Don’t burden your relationship with such problems and try to use this money for trips and holidays together.

Mysterious by nature, the Aquarius woman is reticent about expressing her feelings, and this creates difficulty for your partner. You know your qualities and your power to love someone, but it’s worth trying to open up to them. Even if the relationship doesn’t last, you’ve taken a step forward and conquered one of your fears.