10 things a heartbreak can teach you

You can go to school, you can go to college, you can even get yourself a PhD, but, nothing ever prepares you for what you learn from Heartbreak. The only way you can learn what it feels like to love and what it feels like to lose that love is, unfortunately, experience it all alone. It’s a hard way to learn a lesson, but here are ten things you can take away from Heartbreak:

What you want isn’t necessarily what you need to be happy
With love, comes the strongest feeling of wanting, that a human being can experience, and losing that special person in your life hurts, and hurts a lot. But out of that hurt, comes strength and an understanding that you can’t have it all in life, just because you want it, and sometimes what you want, isn’t necessarily what you need to be happy; but we tend to only be able to see this truth looking back after the post-breakup healing process is complete.

The earth keeps turning and life really does keep rolling along
It might not be what you wanted and it does take time to heal, but when it’s all done and dusted, you move on and make discover that, however bad things might seem, life really does keep rolling along.

Often, sad endings are just happy new beginnings in disguise
Heartbreak is always a shock, even if, deep down, you expected it. When it comes, it can almost feel like a physical kick in the pit of your stomach, but after that bolt out of the blue, you learn that you can’t predict what the future holds in store for you, so you might as well roll with the punches as they come. But remember, often sad endings are just new beginnings of something bright and happy.

A heartbreak can become a wake-up call to remind you to start loving and accepting yourself again
When a person in a relationship is unhappy, they have to make the difficult decision to hurt someone for the sake of their own happiness. As hard as it may seem on the receiving end of such a decision, the lesson to be learned is that you must learn to love and accept yourself again. When in a relationship, some people may be totally consumed by their love for the other person so that they have forgotten all about themselves, or may be controlled, simply put down and manipulated by the person they love; heartache can become a wake-up call that reminds you to start tasting, loving and accepting yourself again.

Some things hurt more than physical pain
You can take an aspirin for a headache, but only time will heal the pain. This is a lesson that almost everyone will learn at some point in their lives. Emotional pain can be even more damaging, than physical pain, if you don’t deal with it, because we can fly up and try to ignore it. That’s why it’s best to accept the pain and accept the grieving, that’s how we heal.

A heartbreak can learn not to confuse obsession or infatuation with true love
When the heartbreak pain goes away, the strangest of things start to happen and you start to wonder if you really loved that person in the first place. Many people mistake obsession or Blindness for love and some say you can’t really recognize true love until you’ve experienced Heartbreak.

A Heartbreak teaches you to make the most of what you have today
Time marches on and absolutely nothing lasts forever. With effort, we can make things last longer and with mutual love, a relationship can last a lifetime. Heartbreak, though, is a painful reminder that nothing really lasts forever and teaches you to make the most of what you have today.

A heartbreak can teach you to judge people by their actions and not by what they say or how you feel about them
Love is a complicated business. Love without actions is void. For example, a person who says “I love you” and then cheats doesn’t know what true love is. The reasons why a person can be unfaithful cheaters complex and many say they still love their partner, they just don’t like them “that way” anymore. It’s a hard one to get your head around and the lesson learned is that you can’t trust words of love alone, also need to see some actions. When people don’t show how much they like and care about their partner, they risk losing their love, it can simply disappear.

When you really fall in love, you’ll make yourself vulnerable, but it’s worth it!
When you fall in love, you expose yourself to the risk and danger of being hurt and rejected, thus making them vulnerable but as the famous poet, Alfred Lord Tennyson, said:

“O tin true, whatever befall, I feel, when I hurt most; This better to have loved and lost Than not to have loved at all”.

Because there is no understanding of light, without facing darkness, heartache teaches you to fully appreciate love
Without darkness, there would be no light. In other words, we have to experience bad things in life to be able to fully appreciate good. When you’ve experienced heartbreak, then you’ve learned how wonderful the feeling of love really is and the next time it comes along, it will be even better than the last.

What other things heartbreak can teach you? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.