5 tips to choose a life partner

There’s a big difference between finding a man who’s fun so far and finding a man you want to spend the rest of your life with. When that time comes, as it does to most of us, that you feel it’s time to settle down, then you need to start considering what it is that actually makes a good life partner rather than just what makes a good friend. If you’re now at this stage in your life and you’re looking for Mr. Right, here are ten things for you to consider when making your choice:

Don’t rush things
Love can make us blind, so don’t go rushing and start making commitments until you’ve spent enough time with one person first. Choosing a life partner is serious business, so get to know them well before you decide and give yourself a chance to check how they measure up to the other nine tips that follow this one.

Do you have similar interests?
You don’t have to be identical in likes and dislikes, but having some common interests is important if you plan to spend the rest of your life with the same person. You need to imagine a life with this person and if you can’t see them doing things together, that will be a lifetime, spent in your own company.

Can you trust them?
It is absolutely vital that you have one hundred percent trust in the person you choose to be your life partner. This is not only trusting that they won’t be unfaithful to you, it’s also trusting them to be able to manage money, trusting them to stand by you under no circumstances and trusting that they will always be there for you when you need them. Keep in mind that this is a lifelong partnership we are contemplating.

Can you easily talk to them?
Do you find yourself at ease with this person and seem to not run out of things to talk about? If so, then that’s great because you are going to be spending a lot of time with this individual and if you can’t easily talk to one another, it will get boring very quickly.

Think about how to behave around this person
Focus on how you feel and how you behave when you are with this person. If you are acting out on someone else’s behalf just to please them, then this is not something you will want to keep up for the rest of your life.