8 things girls feel insecure about that boys won’t even notice

Ah, we all want to be super confident, with flawless skin and perfect figure, with positive thoughts and a successful job, but sadly, few if any of us have all these things. Insecurities can be a major detriment, especially, when it comes to the romance department. The truth is, people don’t even notice the things we’re so worried about most of the time. Here are ten of those things:

Men don’t even notice our skin imperfections and the reason for this is that we tend to exaggerate them to huge proportions, when in fact, they are mostly small ones. So what if your skin doesn’t look like that model is on the cover of your favorite magazine? You know about Photoshop, after all, don’t you!

Classic problem. You gain a few pounds over the holidays and start to think he’ll leave because you’re too fat. That’s so ridiculous and you know it. Or maybe you think you’re too skinny and no man would want to touch you. Again, ridiculous! It’s true that men love with their eyes, but they don’t love not only with their eyes. They also have brains, hearts and emotions, and these take part in the chemistry of love too.

Guys, I don’t really care about makeup. However, they are able to annoy you when it takes too long to put on a new, prettier face. So don’t worry that he’ll scream in horror if he sees you without any makeup, because he won’t! In fact, he’ll probably prefer to kiss you without any lipstick.

Insecurities are directly related to low self-esteem and this is something that most people suffer from to one degree or another. Part of low self-esteem is uncertainty about whether you’re worth loving someone. This someone, however, is unlikely to notice anxiety. He loves you, he knows it and he doesn’t feel the need to prove it repeatedly just to reassure you. Live with it and stop worrying!

Listen carefully now: a man who is truly into you will not, we repeat, will not notice what underwear you are wearing. He won’t pay any attention whether it’s Victoria Secret or a simple piece with no cloth name. He loves you and wants you, that’s all. Sure, he probably loves seeing you in a short skirt or dress, but you don’t have to freeze to death in the winter just to show off his legs. Again, people aren’t constantly on these focused things, trust us!

Relationships aren’t purely physical (at least, most of them), so to add to your problems, there’s also the anxiety of not being smart enough for him or being too smart for him. Unless you scroll your superior mind, he won’t pay much attention to any intellectual inequalities, granted, of course, that they aren’t really significant. If they are, however, your relationship is most likely doomed. Sorry about that.

Some girls are terrified of arguing with their boo, thinking that people are happiest when their girlfriends always agree. He won’t notice it for a while, but sooner or later, he’ll sense something’s wrong. They can’t spend years and years agreeing with everything another person says and does, can they? Speak your mind, he won’t leave you for that!

That constant comparison
Maybe he was happier with his ex? Maybe he’ll be happier with your best friend because she’s so nice/smart/whatever… Comparisons between you and other women can ruin a relationship. They fuel every insecurity and can turn you into a suspicious monster. Don’t compare yourself to others – you are who you are and your lover loves you. If he wanted your best friend, he would be with her after all. But he’s not, so stop worrying!

Do you think there are other things girls feel insecure about that guys won’t even notice?