4 differences between pride and haughtiness

First of all, it is necessary to define the two, because many of us do not see the difference, and therefore prevent ourselves from being proud for fear of being judged proud, or show excessive pride thinking that we are being proud. We might think that the difference is very fine and nuanced, but not at all: these two ‘characters’ are completely opposite, with the only thing they have in common being a certain self-esteem.

Pride is a noble feeling, a high feeling, and this without even having provoked it, because behind it lies a kind of humility:

“I am aware of what I am worth because I have done everything to deserve this personal satisfaction, but this does not serve to put me above others, this work is personal”.

Unlike pride, which can be compared to vanity or being in competition with others, hence the famous expression “being stung in one’s pride”:

“I am aware of what I am worth and above all I am worth more than others and others must notice it because I am exceptional.”

Here are 4 keys that will allow you to better differentiate them.


When you are proud of what you have achieved, it is because there is work and a path that has led your efforts to a result. Someone who is proud does not necessarily need to accomplish anything to feel great. A small effort will be perceived by this person as something huge, which must be recognised immediately.


This is probably the most important difference of all. A proud person can appear pretentious because he or she will easily declare himself or herself capable of doing great things but will not seek to compare himself or herself to others. It is anything that touches a fibre in oneself and will then enhance one’s self-esteem.

Pride makes one act in the belief that one is doing well and better than everyone else. In addition, a proud person will seek attention and positive reactions from others, such as compliments. The action of the proud person is never done directly for himself or herself but for others: “I act like this to create this reaction and to be called a fabulous person”.


This is simple and it ties in with the previous point: a proud person makes his plans in silence and “success will take care of the noise”. Finally, we realise that it is not necessary to expose one’s success because there is nothing less credible.

Pride, on the other hand, needs an audience, otherwise it no longer exists. So a proud person will find himself exhibiting his achievements, no matter how many or how good they are, “a success is a success! ” . Only, one will come to wonder if this person does not have something to prove to himself.


It can be said quite clearly that pride is the confidence to do things well, while pride is the confidence to do things better than others. But this is where I want to make a small clarification: just because you talk a lot doesn’t mean you gain confidence. So someone who is proud is someone who has very little confidence in himself.

Within pride there is a very high opinion of oneself to the point that there is contempt for others. This is the typical behaviour of a person who seeks to belittle others in order to elevate himself, as if it were not possible to draw on his personal capacities to accomplish himself.

As you can see, a dose of self-confidence, humility and respect for others can lead to pride in who you are and what you want to become. Pride is mixed with precipitation, belittlement and too much grandeur. Don’t be afraid of being proud anymore, but don’t become proud of it, and you now have all the keys. It is now up to you to become the best version of yourself.