5 great enemies of love

Love… So simple and complicated at the same time. We can see it as the most magical and pure thing we will ever feel in our life, but it also brings us some headaches from time to time. Without going any further, this strong feeling also has enemies that will try to destroy it, just like life itself. Here is a list of the most frequent ones:


You, and you, and you, and you, and only you… Sound familiar? Well no, it is not only a song by Pablo Alborán, it is also a reality that becomes a problem when we refer to a relationship. Because pretending that the world revolves around oneself will only lead to weariness on the part of the other person. We all want to have a certain amount of attention and care, but when we are in a relationship we must strive to receive in a similar measure as we give.


It starts with small little lies, and ends with big deceptions that make you lose all credibility in a relationship. The most important things for a healthy and lasting relationship are trust, honesty and truth. Any concept that departs from these ideas will only provoke negative reactions for the relationship.

Not knowing how to ask for forgiveness

No one is perfect, and all of us have had to rectify and ask for forgiveness for our mistakes at some point in our lives. Although it may seem impossible to believe, there are people in a relationship who have never heard an “I’m sorry” from their partner. But not forgiving will only fill us with anger, resentment and sadness.


We have already told you on other occasions how unhealthy dependence is in a relationship. But in this ranking, we could not fail to mention it again. Be careful not to confuse love with dependence. No one should depend on anyone but themselves, and for this, self-confidence and high self-esteem are essential pillars, that is, to love ourselves first to be able to love someone else later.


Abuse in a relationship is not always visible. Even for the victim there are signs that go unnoticed. Physical abuse is shown openly through physical violence with blows, wounds and, in the most serious cases, even death. But there is also emotional abuse, which includes threats and humiliation.

The latter is, in many cases, even worse than physical abuse. But because it is not visible, it is more difficult to identify, even for the victim who is suffering it. This is precisely what abusers “feed” on: ridicule and humiliation to make the victim question his or her own reality.

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