Is my child dyslexic?

Are you unsure whether your child is dyslexic? To get a clearer picture, take a look at these 14 situations to see if several of them concern your child. Then read the explanations and advice of Monique Touzin, speech and language therapist where she takes care of children with learning disabilities.

Signs of possible dyslexia

In kindergarten, your child still distorts many words: he often reverses the order of letters or syllables, omits some sounds, adds others.

In kindergarten, he can’t cut words into syllables: for example, saying a-bri-cot, typing three times.

At Christmas in first grade, your child is behind the other students in the class in learning to read.

At Christmas in first grade, your child still confuses certain letters with similar shapes or phonetically close together, for example, he reads “piton” instead of “bidon”.

You, your spouse or another of your children is dyslexic.

If you give your child three instructions to do one after the other, your child forgets some on the way.

Since he started first grade, he doesn’t like school anymore, he loses interest in reading.

He sees well, he hears well: you’ve had his vision and hearing checked by a doctor.

Despite the months that have passed, his reading remains hesitant, choppy, even incomprehensible.

He confuses left and right, above and below.

He can’t find his way around on any given day of the week.

The teachers reproach him for not being careful, for not working hard enough.

He is more successful orally than in writing, has poor spelling, does not master the rules of grammar.

He is often very tired after his school days.

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